Our Vision
Revolutionize the way soccer is delivered to people in the community.

Our Mission
To provide tailored and appropriate sports opportunities to people, while uniting members of the community in the process.
Our Values
People First: On the field and off the field this is most important in the organization. As a parent, player, volunteer, employee or stakeholder we will try to live up to this expectation. You will notice this from day one.
Passion: This is a value that we will build into the program from the top to the bottom. We want to stir children’s passion for sport. This will hopefully translate into their every day lives, as they grow older and pursue other interests.
Persistence: We will aim to keep on trying. We will teach the children that this is important to achieve anything in life. We as coaches and staff will keep striving for better and working together to achieve our goals.
Bravery: Whether it be saying hi to a new friend for the first time at training; or competing against opposing teams across the province. We want to empower our members to be brave and to stand up for themselves, their friends and the team.
Innovation: We want to revolutionize how soccer is done in our community. That means on and off the field. We are always open to new ideas and encourage thoughts that are “outside of the box”.